Culture can caress the sences of people
The induction of culture into our society always works beneficial to everyone.

Culture creates conductive emotions
By using culture as a medium all kinds of wealth creation can grow. Social cohesion will be unique and sustainable. All powerful members from different social classes can participate. Culture life will be the uplifting medium.

Culture can do very well in all charity projects
With smart management of earmarked donation to welfare projects to third world nations...

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Carlo Himmel

Sales Manager


Advertising Manager


Sales Manager


"Robin Hood... the Musical"

People of a whole region are playing in one theater piece... In "Sauerland/ Willingen" nearly all citizens of the whole county were part of an unique medieval event... Dance classes, music bands, fighting sport teams and choires were envolved...
Carlo was member of the leading part and management as well.

"Robin Hood... the Musical"

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